Please God dont fuck this one up :*(
Dear God,
Can you please appoint Sonia Sotomajor for that supreme people who wear robes job? you see as a latina young women I have only a hand full of main stream media types i could look up to.. so far im stuck with these hoes...:*)
but her pink bell bottoms with matching jacket are!
and then there's my latina sister
THATS RIGHT LATINOS believe in mystics and astrologers! aint no shame in our game after all who do you think the nigz gandalf from lord of the rings was based on?
but all jokes aside.. i would like to have a role model who doesn't bleach the brown off there hair and has a degree from a real college not some pretend one that offer classes online...
i has an anaroxic feeling
hey guys!
im proud to tell you all that i am now working part time as an anorexic. mon thru thrusday i will consuming little to no food. on fri sat and sun i will be free to eat all the junk i love (i.e white castle and popeyes chicken.) IM NOT willing to conform to a healthy diet routine so being my selfish and destructive self i rather starve for most of the week then give up junk food.
here is a sneaky peaky of my new and improve diet.
Tues dinner: 1 piece of fried chicken. eat with a fork very slowly. i must have nibble on this shit for an hour before feeling full. sure i had a headache and feel dizzy the next day but my stomach was noticeably smaller!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adorable fighting!
sometimes i feel sorry for my asian niggaz
i feel like no matter how hard they try they will always be just one thing...
sure he's an evil supreme leader that starves his country. But look at that cute lil
round face... and check out his shoes!! ! them shits is mad tiny and cute!
check out this video of them throwing down in an all out gangsta war in the parliament.. well its not exactly gangsta its more on some "they look mad cute fighting" level.
@ the stinky bum on the 4 train
no one cares that your baby mama is a millionaire, also when you got up a piece of your nasty lo mein fell on my arm. thanks
my brand new brain- hit or miss????
I am sooooooo happy with my new brain. or am i?? ever since ive been off my lexaprozz im feeling more adventurous (the non slutty kind), the ideas are flowing, im cleaning my room more and im finally starving myself again!(lexapro made me tired so i needed sugar to get through the day and partner that up with a bowl hit and you got yourself a good pig out sesh).
someone is back....
kooky bunny is the alias for the crazy side of my brains. i can't really get into details because my vocabulary is limited so ive decided to create a collage of what are my minds been up to lately.
fuck high heels????
its no secret a sista like me aint wearing heel lately. why? cause them shits may be cute little things but they hurt like a mofo.

im not toying around here! last nite etty said heels are worthless and a girl should always be prepared to have to run the fuck out of a situation. I agree.
but then again i do live here ...

ay fuck it im so confused....

im not toying around here! last nite etty said heels are worthless and a girl should always be prepared to have to run the fuck out of a situation. I agree.
but then again i do live here ...

ay fuck it im so confused....
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