Well not really but still...
Today is the puerto rican day parade and i could give a flying Caca.
The last time i went to the PR parade was mad long ago and I almost got gang raped by three dudes in cornrolls with white do rags... not cute.
He has the right idea here.... PR'icans are mad loud. I'm not gonna front. Everytime I go out with my cousins everyone within 50 feet will know all of our family secrets because we lack a little thing called consideration.
on the subject of consideration- MY SISTERS MY SISTERS! WHY YO HAIR GOTTA BE SO CRISPY?
For realz
is there any real reason why we have to style our hair to look like a wet cowlick brillo pad??
oh damn baby girls... (your moms need to get slapped in the face)
because at this rate... this is what awaits...
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