top 3 things you need 2 be legit/broke
weed or friends
cheap clothes that look good.
last night went out with UN. UN confided that living in the westcoast is so shallow he loved it! i appreciated how honest his shallow love was and 4 a hot min I had a crush on being a shallow person.
I also found out that 2 1/2 jack daniels are all i need to smile like a cute little idiot.
bought some organic face scrub. I don't normally buy organic. im just to poor to buy organic shit. i bought it on a whim. s. baby clown and sis buy organic, but they have more dough to experiment with. right now the only place i've been experimenting at is the 99 cent store.

true: weed OR friends are crucial when poorified - just don't mix. then they both suck, unless you're like twelve.