(or 12/20/2008 for you precise bitches.)
Today was a wonderful day filled with emotional self realization, a dash of breaking things off with people and a sweet layer of 5 inches of snow. woot woot..
I also found out where Minnesota was, I got a little excited but then i felt retarded for not knowing in the first place.(dumb american)((dumb south bronx born american))
I thought i was having a chemically imbalanced day, heck even RFY and SOL convinced me it was the energy of the
day before winter but fuckaroni! everybody was mad sad today.

Usually when I'm this kind of sad-the swollen headed kind- I do something impulsive and reckless i.e spend $$$ at duane reade for useless cosmetics and girly stuff like the coconut lotion that doubles as a candle.
but tonight sol convinced me to stay in and relax. thank you soly and rfy
it could be worst. I could be mad ugly like this hoe in the middle and have cornball friends. but i dont.
